Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You Can't Move On If You're Still In The Dark

Every second I remind myself that I have to move on. I have to leave this place. This place that says 'you and I'. I have to accept the fact that it's over. There is no longer a 'you and me'. You are no longer happy with me. Everything has changed. It's no longer the two of us. You shall live your life. I shall live mine.

Every second I tell myself that. But no matter how hard I try to look away, I just know in my heart, in my mind, in my soul, it's not over. It's just not over. The love we had was real. It was so real! It just can't dissappear!

We seem so apart now but why do I still feel the fire burning. The heat of the memories are still burning.

That's just enough for me to believe that there is hope. There is hope for you and me after all. Everyday I tell myself to move on. It's just impossible if I know the future I will end up with is you.

So how do I move on if the future I know is you?