Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Fuck Wednesday!

Not Wednesday Addams. Nope! It's the fucking Wednesday shift! Tonight is my last Wednesday shift for 2022 anyways. I'm on leave for the next 2 Wednesdays and I will definitely be sick on the last Wednesday of the month. My shift starts at 11:30pm. My alarm is set at 9:30pm to make coffee and dress up. I leave at 10:15pm. I usually queue along with the other employees for a free parking slot or valet. The queue speeds up by 10pm. I left past 8:15pm thinking I'd secure a slot immediately and I'd be able to stroll in the mall enjoy my pre-shift freedom and do silly stuff. Only to meander around the cosmic avenues surrounding the building before ending up to be back in the longest queue of the week and stay in queue for almost 3 hours as compared to the usual which is never longer than an hour. Yup! I'm still in queue as we speak. At the very least I added entry. Just a note to self. Though this is my last Wednesday shift, still may come handy in the future. I got stuck in the queue already but I realized it's faster to queue in the valet based on my experience last week. Just one drive around the block as per valet's advice then upon arrival, my valet is ready. I got up early and was able to do the silly stuff I planned due to the convincing powers of Genesis gay-style! Staying in queue for hours with the car engine turned on could probably be the reason why my car battery lit up on me earlier than schedule. Car failed to start for a few minutes. My battery change is supposed to be January 2023.