Saturday, February 11, 2023

Excerpt of 2023

            When 2023 was about to begin, I was positive. I had planned where I will spend my new year and everything was ready to unfold according to plan. Until I lost P15,000 right after pay day. It took time before the reality of my next two weeks sank in because empathy towards my cousin who borrowed the amount took over so I still proceeded according to my plan. In the cold mountains, I started to question myself why I had no money. 

            What just happened? I know I had enough money for this! 

            Then the art of stoicism played a big part. Everything was totally fine. I am well. I had company and there were enough food for everyone in the New Year's dinner party when I didn't even spend a dime. I had one of the best coffees I've ever had in my life at 711 when I cheated my way for a free refill. I wanted to mix coffees and hot chocolate like a barista so I took 1 large cup so I can mix and blend coffee and chocolate but you pay by the cup. I didn't know. I need to read "Getting Coffee At Seven Eleven for Dummies!" So I just pulled a refill. No problem! 

        Whilst in the process of embracing the art of stoicsm in my conceived fucked up situation in the mountains at the beginning of my new year, a surprising job offer from an old acquaintance welcomed my 2023. The text message I received from that person prophezied a possible future. 

            I guess God talks to me in ways I can never imagine but I get the message, on point. Period. 

            Hope. Dopamine. Euphoria. Bliss. Paradise. 

            Sometimes I wonder who in this world can ever define how heaven feels like when nobody here has even gone there? I think it is possible indeed that we can only imagine what heaven feels like. It will be beyond our understanding because we can only define things that are physical in nature and heaven is not a physical thing, is it? 

            Sometimes I think heaven and hell is here. It is how we make our lives. We can make our lives either heaven or hell. The gift of life is the fact that we can decide about it. It's only up to us to realize life. 

            Thus, the truth, God is Love. 

            This is the only way you would understand who God is. 

             We live. We love. We celebrate God. What's so hard about that? 

             Obey. Worship. Glorify. 

            The only truths that will simplify your life then you will experience eternity. 

             Heaven on earth is real. God is just waiting for you to take it.