Saturday, July 19, 2014

So You, Just you, For you

You have an EQ of a 4-year old
You look at me as if I'm candy
That you just can't wait to lick
Then you lick
And you lick like there's no tomorrow
You want something so much
You leave everything behind just because..

You have a mind of a 16-year old
Some angst-encumbered teenager
Who just wants to to disconnect from the world  
Become an escapist
Space out..

You open a can of worms
And you just run away
Far, far away that the worms can't run after you
And nothing can get you to look back

Case and point, any 7-year old kid can handle
Your shit better than you do
Sad but true!

Into the gutter suits you
Screw you!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Daniel's Fall

Everything seems so surreal
From the moment you fell in love with me
You want me all yours, you can't get enough of me
Your eyes are always smiling, your ears are hearing music even if there's nothing playing
You were crazy about me!

Then you tried to make me fall for you
I saw forever in your eyes
You were all over me
Fear was all over me
You are but a child in a playing field
I am a damsel with no luxury of time
And you never knew the panic I knew
You never knew the fever I knew
I once lost forever
It's awful! It's suicide!

But I fell for you anyway
I gave you infinity but infinity is never enough for you
You dismiss everything else in an instant just to have more of me
It ruined you!
We crumbled down and we've fallen into pieces
Like a shiv in my heart
We've fallen apart
There's a big hole in my chest
And it's only you who can fill in the hole and take away the pain
But you've already fallen

How could love so true, luscious and sweet
Crush me just like an animal?

Everyday is unbearable pain
It's hard to breathe, it's suffocating!
Or maybe I just don't want to breathe anymore
My reflexes desperate to numb the pain
I blindly reach out to you gasping for air
Your heart went ice cold, in a blink of an eye you shut me down
As if you weren't the one who dragged me into your game

I refused to play your game
But you played with me ruthlessly anyway
I waved my white flag to you 
But you just brought your game on
You played with me head on
It was my heart on the line 
Even with agonizing pain, I was with you all the way
In the quiet of the night, the pain comes in waves
I soldier on!

Crystal clear went cryptic
The once sweet turned bitter abyss
Infinite paradise turned into sublime misery
I pleaded to you
But you just shut me out over and over again
YOUR CHOICE was to bleed me dry

The pain is amplified every second
Self-aware that there will be no longer you and me
Then maybe I don't want to live after all
I just lost the appetite for life
Whatever happened to forever??
I need to wake up from this madness

The silence is reverberating
Your fall is resonating
I send my lofticries to the heavens
It's deafening!
