Saturday, July 19, 2014

So You, Just you, For you

You have an EQ of a 4-year old
You look at me as if I'm candy
That you just can't wait to lick
Then you lick
And you lick like there's no tomorrow
You want something so much
You leave everything behind just because..

You have a mind of a 16-year old
Some angst-encumbered teenager
Who just wants to to disconnect from the world  
Become an escapist
Space out..

You open a can of worms
And you just run away
Far, far away that the worms can't run after you
And nothing can get you to look back

Case and point, any 7-year old kid can handle
Your shit better than you do
Sad but true!

Into the gutter suits you
Screw you!!!

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