Monday, June 13, 2022

Quiet Time 6.13.22 Monday 12:18am

A blissful experience of overwhelming peace and love which is beyond human understanding.  All I know is that it's an extreme spiritual moment which makes me weep and hyperventilate with tears of joy running down my cheeks.  It is beyond human understanding but I want to keep on coming back to the experience like it's where I belong.  

To be honest, no words can articulate the existential phenomenon but my attempt of a comprehensive definition could be close.

It is when you finally understand the words: "I AM" and experience God's love that you just get all emotional about it and you experience joy and happiness like you never did before.  Then all of a sudden, all your worries disappear.  You receive wisdom that you are saved because God planned everything from beginning to end.  It's like the only peace you ever needed because it's God's given peace.

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