Monday, June 25, 2012

One Last Trip To Let You Go

I was fully aware that I won't get my money back on this trip.  This June 3 trip where we went to far Bulacan and talked to Mama and Tito Father. These people don't have money.

I know that they can't really give me anything monetary given that it was my primary purpose. I just want to do everything that can be done so that when I reach the end, there's no looking back. I won't say: "I should have done this.." "I should have done that.." I could have done this and that.."

Now that my employment is in a very critical situation, I have become desperate to get my money back. It's only a matter of time before I lose my job and if that happens where will I get the money to pay that friggin' loan which has a monthly amortization of P10,023.23??? That is aside from my other bills and other monthly amortizations. There is my condo and my car. What about credit card bills, gas money, food and recreation?

But this trip gave me the will to let go

I am blessed with a good family, an amazing dad and supportive people around me. I'm letting go of that financial bind. I can do this. It will be hard and it will cause nuisance to people that loves me since I'm going constantly ask or borrow money from them. hahaha

I will get by.

At the very least, it was illuminating to talk to Mama and to Tito Father. I was illuminated that Ace really has become a psychotic liar. I feel sorry for you Ace.

You have done it and you just can't face it so you hide like a lunatic. You want to live a life of pretence, that's fine. It's your life. It's you! I have nothing to prove. You have got a lot of things to prove not to me but to yourself. You are not fooling me nor anyone else but yourself and your family who believed in you. Pathetic!

Now, nobody knows you. Do you still even know yourself? Why are you holding back? What are you scared of? Why can't you just be a man and face the reality of life. Live your life! And live it real!

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