Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What Am I?

When childhood thoughts are reverberating
A silent philosophy exists
That I'm a contemptible person
And I would be silent about it

My childhood thoughts are reverberating
Back then when their laughter seem like a coherent mockery
I would hide inside my closet in self-contempt
I will hear voices calling out my name
And nobody was there

Back then when even the slightest mumble of my name
It would feel like the sharpest shiv into my vein
I would hear it over and over and tremors will creep my being
But there was no one even calling me
And pain never ceased

Back then when I thought I was invisible
She would blabber the nastiest things about me
I was there and she was my mother
So I thought I was invisible

My childhood thoughts are reverberating
I would pretend I am invisible
Standing in crowded walls and I would think it was empty
But it was crowded and I was empty

My childhood thoughts are reverberating
When everybody hates me
And I know I'm a contemptible person
I deemed silence to be my friend
So nobody knows and somebody would love me


October 3, 2006 2:33am
Xyra's Contacts

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