Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Things I Should Remind Myself Every Day

written on August 25, 2021

  1. I will not allow any negativity to dwell in my presence.
  2. I will be self-aware and self conscious of my parents’ senior moments and handle it in a sensible manner in the presence of Our Father.
  3. Speak softly, be nice and cordial and always wear a positive, bubbly and happy mask because it becomes real.
  4. I will remember that it is God’s will for me to embrace my impairments because He gave me the capability and the responsibility to be able to handle a storm as big as my parents, and for that, I am blessed.
  5. Always remember to do the right thing at work and all the time because it is my only road to progression.
  6. Thank God for my job and my amazing set of skills and that I will be ready for bigger work responsibilities.
  7. Remember that God’s will, God’s plans and God’s timing is perfect.
  8. Always be positive and only fight the “good” fight.
  9. Always do the right thing by remembering you committed yourself to our Lord God.
  10. I should always be careful about what I say by thinking about it first before saying anything.
  11. I should be getting rid of all negative thoughts and I should always try to be productive at all times by doing self study, learning thru research with software, culinary or coffee.
  12. I do not need a boyfriend, a husband or a partner at this time.  God wants me to be silent and focus on Him.  God wants me to continue praying and continue to ask for my heart’s desires while trusting Him because it’s pleasing to Him and his plans are perfect.  Everything is settled with Father, God.

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