Sunday, January 16, 2022

MY YELLOW BOOK SERIES | Entry: 5.1.2016 Sunday 7:26pm POEM

I found a poem I spontaneously composed just randomly on my very first entry on this Yellow Book Series.  My Yellow Book Series is a journal I kept for 5 years and 8 months (May 1, 2016 to January 2, 2022)



..I may be the worst person in this world to them but I love them to bits that's why it's just so hard for me not to hate them.

I am aggravated.  I am furious.

I am angry.  I am mad.

That they don't see.

That they don't feel.

And that they don't speak.

It kills me and it pains me to the bone and it is set on stone.

That if I die today or tomorrow.

Til my last breath there is a cry.

A cry that was ignored and forgotten.

And as I sound slumber.

Remember!  Always remember.

That I will never forget.

Feel my wrath FOREVER.

And this is when I will end.




If and only if.

You feel my wrath FOREVER.

Soon I will be gone

But you will remember

This havoc you brought in me

To your hearts and minds dwell

And only until then

I will be well...




The first part of this entry was a 4 page narration of what happened that Sunday with family.  My thoughts, feelings, emotions and a particular memory of my brother's nastiness during our formative years were written down.

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