Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Final Good byes = The End

    • Xyra Contreras
      August 4, 2012
      Xyra Contreras
      • Hello to you all,

        For the record, I just want to say that Ace had been a very good kuya to his siblings. When we were together, Ace was devoted to his family as much as he was devoted to me. He never sacrificed his family. He was always looking after their welfare. When we were together, our rule was always "our family first" because I also help my dad and my family.
        Back in the days, I saw the way my dad is with Ace. He was very responsible and he always made sure that his family is okay. He was very consistent in providing for them. I decided to message you because I want to give Ace credit for everything he had done for his family. He did everything for them. It was not easy for Ace especially when issues ALWAYS come into play. It’s unfair for Ace if his efforts are not noticed. Especially now, that he is no longer communicating well with Nanay and his family. It’s easy to notice the bad things and it’s so easy to forget the good things that one had done. It was very exhausting for Ace to begin with. I guess he just got tired.

        For all the bad things Ace had done, he definitely did something right and I keep that in my heart. I have already forgiven him. I hope he find it in his heart to forgive himself, come back to all of you, reunite with Nanay and his family. Ace has a good heart. Everything happens for a reason. I know you all love Ace to bits. I always wish the best for you and your family.

        This is my good bye to all of you. Thank you for everything and thank you so much for listening. God bless you all.

        Good bye
    • Joselito Cedro Hitosis
      August 4, 2012
      Joselito Cedro Hitosis
      • Thanks for the admirable words your have spoken/written for our nephew Ace most esp your forgiveness. You made him that way in all in his good effort and love to his family and to you as well... I wish him and you all the best, praying that you continue to move on and see the brighter side of what happened.
        God bless you Xyra, Ingat palagi...
    • Janneth Godwin
      August 4, 2012
      Janneth Godwin
      • Thank you Xyra! You take care of yourself... All the best! Have a good life. Love to u and to your family xxx

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